Our journey to...
Sheung Wan
Sheung Wan, a place with vital historic meanings, It was the earliest occupied area in 1842 by the British troop. The occupation of Hong Kong Island began at Possession Street, which was the shoreline at that time, `You can find a plaque in Hollywood Road Park about the British Occupation.
This journey to Sheung Wan has opened a door for us to see the cultural sides of Hong Kong!
Hey, travellers! Are you ready to start the journey? Let's Go!!
Western Market
Historian: Henry
After the removal of the Harbour Office in 1906, the Western Market became a food market until 1988. On the other hand, the South Block was demolished for the MTR construction and replaced by the Sheung Wan Complex in 1981.
In 1990, Western Market was declared as a historical monument, preserved its unique characteristics and was re-developed by the Land Development Corporation (current Urban Renewal Authority). It was re-opened in 1991, with the current name “the Western Market” by then.

Many of the shops inside the Western Market were original “old established shops” nearby, such as antiques shops, curios and designer household accessories. As a result, it is claimed that “the Western Market” was a centre with traditional Hong Kong distinguishing industries and handicrafts, you can find an array of special and retrospective features inside the “Western Market”.
To maintain its unique characteristics, it preserved many of the original architectural designs with some new elements simultaneously during the re-development. For instance, the brickwork giving a “polychromatic effect” were kept, but it was re-painted from blue to red later so as to comply with the design.
The Western Market, undoubtedly a successful preserved cultural and historical relics, brings great meanings and values to Hong Kong people. It is in vital importance for people to understand deeper about the place they are living. Such well-preserved relics should be a kind of most suitable means for both historian and the general public to memorize and explore more!